Usage 1: circRNA quantifcation

Basic options

usage: CIRIquant [-h] [--config FILE] [-1 MATE1] [-2 MATE2] [-o DIR]
                 [-p PREFIX] [-t INT] [-a INT] [-l INT] [--ciri3] [-v]
                 [--version] [-e LOG] [--bed FILE] [--circ FILE] [--tool TOOL]
                 [--RNaseR FILE] [--bam BAM] [--no-gene] [--no-fsj]
                 [--bsj-file FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config FILE         Config file in YAML format
  -1 MATE1, --read1 MATE1
                        Input mate1 reads (for paired-end data)
  -2 MATE2, --read2 MATE2
                        Input mate2 reads (for paired-end data)
  -o DIR, --out DIR     Output directory, default: ./
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Output sample prefix, default: input sample name
  -t INT, --threads INT
                        Number of CPU threads, default: 4
  -a INT, --anchor INT  Minimum anchor length for junction alignment, default:
  -l INT, --library-type INT
                        Library type, 0: unstranded, 1: read1 match the sense
                        strand,2: read1 match the antisense strand, default: 0
  -v, --verbose         Run in debugging mode
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -e LOG, --log LOG     Log file, default: out_dir/prefix.log
  --bed FILE            bed file for putative circRNAs (optional)
  --circ FILE           circRNA prediction results from other softwares
  --tool TOOL           circRNA prediction tool, required if --circ is
  --RNaseR FILE         CIRIquant result of RNase R sample
  --bam BAM             hisat2 alignment to reference genome
  --no-gene             Skip stringtie estimation for gene abundance
  --no-fsj              Skip FSJ extraction to reduce run time
  --bsj-file FILE       output BSJ read IDs to file (optional)


  • For now, –circ and –tool options support results from CIRI2 / CIRCexplorer2 / DCC / KNIFE / MapSplice / UROBORUS / circRNA_finder / find_circ

  • For tools like DCC and circRNA_finder, please manually remove duplicated circRNAs with same junction postion but have opposite strands.

  • Gene expression values are needed for normalization, do not use --no-gene if you need to run DE analysis afterwards.

Example YAML config

A YAML-formated config file is needed for CIRIquant to find software and reference needed.

A valid example of minimal config file:

  fasta: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19.fa
  gtf: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf
  bwa_index: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19/_BWAtmp/hg19
  hisat_index: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19/_HISATtmp/hg19

An example of supported config file:

// Example of config file
name: hg19
  bwa: /home/zhangjy/bin/bwa
  hisat2: /home/zhangjy/bin/hisat2
  stringtie: /home/zhangjy/bin/stringtie
  samtools: /home/zhangjy/bin/samtools

  fasta: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19.fa
  gtf: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf
  bwa_index: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19/_BWAtmp/hg19
  hisat_index: /home/zhangjy/Data/database/hg19/_HISATtmp/hg19
Key Description
name the name of config file (optional)
bwa the path of bwa (optional, defaults to bwa in $PATH)
hisat2 the path of hisat2 (optional, defaults to hisat2 in $PATH)
stringtie the path of stringite (optional, defaults to stringtie in $PATH)
samtools the path of samtools, samtools version below 1.3.1 is not supported (optional, defaults to samtools in $PATH)
fasta reference genome fasta, a fai index by samtools faidx is also needed under the same directory
gtf annotation file of reference genome in GTF/GFF3 format
bwa_index prefix of BWA index for reference genome
hisat_index prefix of HISAT2 index for reference genome

Example circRNA bed file

For quantification of user-provided circRNAs, a list of junction sites in bed format is required, the 4th column must be in “chrom:start|end” format. For example:

chr1    10000   10099   chr1:10000|10099    .   +
chr1    31000   31200   chr1:31000|31200    .   -

Example Usage

Quantify circRNAs using provided BED format input

CIRIquant -t 4 \
          -1 ./test_1.fq.gz \
          -2 ./test_2.fq.gz \
          --config ./chr1.yml \
          -o ./test \
          -p test \
          --bed your_circRNAs.bed

Quantify circRNAs using results from other tools

For example, if you have find_circ results of predicted circRNAs.

CIRIquant -t 4 \
          -1 ./test_1.fq.gz \
          -2 ./test_2.fq.gz \
          --config ./chr1.yml \
          -o ./test \
          -p test \
          --circ find_circ_results.txt \
          --tool find_circ

Output format

The main output of CIRIquant is a GTF file, that contains detailed information of BSJ and FSJ reads of circRNAs and annotation of circRNA back-spliced regions in the attribute columns

Description of each columns’s value

column name description
1 chrom chromosome / contig name
2 source CIRIquant
3 type circRNA
4 start 5' back-spliced junction site
5 end 3' back-spliced junction site
6 score CPM of circRNAs (#BSJ / #Mapped reads)
7 strand strand information
8 . .
9 attributes attributes seperated by semicolon

The attributes containing several pre-defined keys and values:

key description
circ_id name of circRNA
circ_type circRNA types: exon / intron / intergenic
bsj number of bsj reads
fsj number of fsj reads
junc_ratio circular to linear ratio: 2 * bsj / ( 2 * bsj + fsj)
rnaser_bsj number of bsj reads in RNase R data (only when --RNaseR is specificed)
rnaser_fsj number of fsj reads in RNase R data (only when --RNaseR is specificed)
gene_id ensemble id of host gene
gene_name HGNC symbol of host gene
gene_type type of host gene in gtf file